Entropia Universe provides an amazing environment that runs on the CryENGINE 2 game engine to give premium graphics for your gaming experience. A fully customizable control interface to tie up to 12 differnt full keyboard sets as well as customizable one click screen icons for every command you can imagine for however you like to manipulate your world. Play in first person, third person at just the right distance, or navigate the universe in over the shoulder as you see fit.
There is no cap on the level of skills and the peak of professions in the Entropia Universe. Climb to the top or play at the level that suites you, no matter how high you go the Entropia Universe is sure to evolve and keep presenting you with new challenges for your skillset for years to come.
It's completely free to sign up for the Entropia Universe.
Enter your email below to create your avatar and start your journey in this virtual world for free today!