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Entropia Universe is a leading sci-fi massive multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) virtual world that takes part in a distant future.

As a newcommer to Entropia Universe you must help colonize the different newly discovered planets. Each planet has a different theme and offers you different oppotunities to prosper and make a name for your self.
On planet Calypso you can join in on the fight against the robots that overrun the populous cities. Rocktropia is a "Las vegas"-style planet after armageddon where zombie rockbands roam around. Take position on a hill and snipe the zombies. Arkadia holds hidden treasures for you to discover and exotic wildlife to hunt.

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Entropia Universe is free to play with no montly subscription, using micro-payment for weapon upgrades or new armor. You can also earn money - real money - inside Entropia Universe by completing tasks and missions.
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An entire universe to explore

Entropia Universe does not use "regional servers". This virtual world is a truly MASSIVE multiplayer universe where you will be participating with people from all over the world in one and the same universe.You do not need to switch servers if you want to play with someone from across the world - simply meet up with them inside Entropia Universe and start exploring together.

There are no load screens, everything is seemlessly loaded as it is presented to you in the game. You can walk for days (yes, days!) without seeing a loading screen after you have logged in.