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Real cash economy
The virtual currency has a direct exchange rate to the US Dollar.
Get paid to play or deposit what you want!

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Decide your own destiny

Entropia Universe is not like any other MMO virtual world.
Your avatar has no class-tree, you have the freedom to explore new professions when and where you want!

entropia universe ship CREATE YOUR FREE ACCOUNT
You control your virtual world

Entropia Universe is a Real Cash Economy (RCE) virtual world. This means that eveything has a real life value - and you can withdraw your virtual currency in this free to play MMO as real cash to your bank account!

entropia universe avatars CREATE YOUR FREE ACCOUNT

A video intro to Entropia Universe

A picture tells a thousand words. You can read a lot of things about Entropia Universe here on the website - but we have found a few videos for you that showcase some of the different aspects of Entropia Universe. If you would like to know a lot about what the game is all about, and have about one hour - there is a long introduction video to Entropia Universe. The other videos are shorter and showcase some of the more specific aspects of Entropia Universe.
All the videos have been created by participants of Entropia Universe without any editorial guideline from our or MindArk's part. The videos are the true voice of the players of Entropia Universe.

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Sign up for Entropia Universe

Mining excavator in Entropia Universe

It is completely free to sign up for the Entropia Universe.
Enter your email below to create your avatar and start your your journey in this virtual world for free today!

(1 hr) Introduction to Entropia Universe

Player vs Player fight

Entropia Universe Hunting

Entropia Universe Instance